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About Me

I’ve been a certified and practicing Yoga Teacher since 2018. By integrating body, breath, movement, and meditative awareness, I strive to promote an understanding of the interdependency of all these aspects in personal health and wellbeing.

I started practicing yoga  in  New  Delhi,  my  home,  when  I was  12  years  old, until the age of 17. 

After a short break owing to academic and 'career' decisions, as a New Years Resolution in 2014, I started practicing again in London, and have been solidly practicing for around 6 years.

In 2017, I realized a natural desire to deepen my  practice,  which prompted me to take the leap  of  faith,  and  pursue  a  200-hour  yoga  teacher  training  course.  I am an RYT-200, and Yoga Alliance Certified.

Autotelic Yoga is a concept born from my personal “post yoga feeling” - a combination of a good night’s sleep, a tranquil walk in a beautiful green forest, and an underwater swim, in clear waters!

My practice is also inspired by a book called Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihaly. I am particularly fascinated  by  the  notions  of  sthira  and  sukha:  bringing ‘steadiness/stability’  and  ‘comfort/joy/ease’  into  ones’  practice  (and  by extension,  ones’  life!)

I think the key thing that sets me  apart  as  a  student,  is  my constant  curiosity  and  playfulness.  I am never afraid to try a new pose, even with the fear of falling, or failing –  and  if  I  do,  happy to laugh  at  myself!  This of course, makes it hard for me not to fidget in savasana, but I am working on it :)

All in all, yoga has given me immense freedom, self-confidence,  and  shown  me  how  connecting with  the  breath  can  lead  us  to  staying  in  the  ‘present’.   I better understand my  own  body and practice  as well as its  limits,  and appreciate  my  strengths. Slowly yet surely, I am learning the benefits of letting  go of attachment, desire, expectation, and bitterness.

I feel blessed  to  come from  the  land  where  this  all  started,  as  some  of the  asana  names,  ‘back  story’  and  general culture  comes  more  naturally  to  me.  I want to offer the yoga feeling to the world because I love  Sanskrit  (I’m actually a scholar!), have an excellent  foundation  in  Anatomy and  Physiology (I’ve got a degree - BSc Biomedical  Sciences),  and  most  importantly because I love  working  with  people, and seeing tangible benefits – adding years to life, and life to years.

About Me: About Me
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